
25 something

I’ve made New Years resolutions in the past, but I’ve never sat down and considered what I’d actually like to accomplish in a year. So I think the start of 2012 is a good chance to make a few goals – 25 to be exact – that I would like to accomplish before my 26th birthday this coming(tho alqedah). I’m looking forward to learning many new things, working towards a healthy, balanced lifestyle, and having lots and lots of fun.

If you’re interested {and so you can be my witness}, here’s my list of 25 things to cross off before 26.

  1. Stay in touch with people I love.
  2. Become a Photoshop and Illustrator wiz!
  3. Be more generous.
  4. Learn a foreign language or two.
  5. I will try to figure out why I *really* need three e-mail addresses.
  6. Be a better friend.
  7. try being less judgmental about everything
  8. Make better use of my time and stop wasting it
  9. I NEED to be more organized.
  10. Spend more time with my friends.
  11. Before I post status update, Tweet, Tumble or Instagram, pause and say to myself, “is it entirely necessary that I share this morsel of thought with my entire social network?”and if the answer is not, “yes, I absolutely must,” then step away from the Internet.
  12. Find a way to save approximately 4000 SR and spend it on christian louboutin shoes.
  13. Try that food I think I don’t like but have never actually tried.
  14. Read more.
  15. Cut out sugary foods/drinks from my diet as much as possible.
  16. Blogging once per week.
  17. Realize my dreams {once I figure out what they are}!
  18. To laugh more.
  19. have more fun.
  20. cut an unhealthy person out of my life.
  21. go with the flo.
  22. Get more strict on my diet.
  23. get my internet addiction under control (not entirely sure how I'm going to do that - it's like people with food addictions: I can't just walk away 100%, so I just get sucked in for more each time) .
  24. get through the year.
  25. Adopt more healthy, self-care behaviors.

Here’s to the best year yet!!

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