
hello world

It’s been ages since I blogged and I have my reasons I promise :) I looked at the date on my last post and thought "whoa, seems like yesterday ".
 a lot have change,  since the last time I blogged
so here's to the new beginnings and new me   

photo by:Taryn Knight

       Recently I've learned ...

     1- My Personal opinions are not scientific facts.
     2- The present is the only time we live in.
     3- It's okay to spend my life without making something   out of my self  that the history will celebrates.  I Can go about the world quietly, this choice suits me.
     4- I should no have high expectations from people" there is nothing like reality".
     5- If I can live a real connection 'living in the moment.' I can leave the rest of the people in my Pocket They wouldn't jump fugitives from my phone.
     6- I will change even if I didn't want to.
     7- Everything around me is a 'miracle'. Have you ever tried to live miracles? It's creepy that we lose The thrill of life because we used to be.
    9- All the the thoughts that goes on in our minds and did not know how to write it ,, is in a book .. search for it ..
                                                                    10- Little remorse does not hurt.

The lunar months are not always complete, as well as the things that I have learned recently is not perfect .. If you notices number 8 is missing and I just forgot to documented it, just like everything in life.

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